Book Review : Above the fold

Book Review : Above the fold

If there could be “One book to rule them all” for novice Web designers, it would be “Above The Fold“. This book goes through every subject/niche of designing websites : from Designing itself to topics like Project Planning; Marketing, SEO, creation of Sitemap, Wireframes, Prototypes,etc.

Above the Fold - Brian Miller

History Of Web Design
(Illustrative chart on History Of Design)

Brian Miller:the Author, Starts by mentioning a behavioural study on how children would react to an unfenced playground to a playground with a fence around the perimeter. The outcome of the same was that children in unfenced playground grouped themselves in the center of unenclosed area; while children in fenced playground played and explored all areas of the enclosure.

The book tries to create a comforting fence for specific nuances of Web Design.


  1. Web, being a visual medium, each Topic described. in a very visual and illustrative way.
  2. Simple language, straight to the point.
  3. A must Read for anyone just starting his/her profession in feild of Web Design. (specially Print Designers).


  1. Not for Experienced Web Professionals.
  2. This book being a 2010 book, some of the information is outdated(for instance very few people use Cufon/SIFr)

SPIDer Rating : 8/10