Book Review: Web Design - Navigation(Icon Series)

Book Review: Web Design - Navigation(Icon Series)

Web Design : Navigation (Icons Series) Cover
This sunday, As i went through my bookshelf, I found one of my oldest web-design books, “Web Design: Navigation (Icons)”. Although I purchased this book long back, I never reviewd it on SPIDer. So, Here is a brief review of the same.

This inspirational book has around 180+ examples of websites that have an intelligent/innovative way of navigation.

Web Design : Navigation (Icons Series)


Well illustrated, with a short description of each site; This comes as a nice reference guide when we, as designers are lost and need a “unique” navigation technique.


Some sites shown in the book have gone through the process of redesign because of Flash Use!! Ouch! :(
Also,Authors could have included the code used for achieving navigations of the given sites.

Web Design : Navigation (Icons Series) Back

SPIDer Rewiew : 5/10