Book Review : Life in Five Seconds

Book Review : Life in Five Seconds

“A picture can say a thousand words”.

Life in 5 seconds Book Review

A couple of days ago, while surfing the web, I came across an Icon Only Book named “Life in five Seconds” . The book beautifully symbolizes concepts, people’s lives, movies etc. using series of icons. On the cover of the book, “Life” itself is described in a very unique way: Baby – Youth – Death.

Icon inspiration Book

Life In Five Seconds Book

The book starts with a nice illustration on how to use the book and then directly dives into topics like Harry Potter, Lord of The Rings, Internet etc.



Harry Potter

Threre is an augmented reality App,available on both AppStore and Andriod , bringing images to life.

I would have given this book a 10/10, if the authors would have provided an index and a short description of the topic, in case if the readers are unable to figure out the intended meaning of the illustrations. This would have helped in case they do not understand the topic. For instance, what if you have no idea about Lord of the Rings and you come across this illustration?

Lord Of The Rings

Nevertheless, this is a must have book for any designer’s collection.

SPIDer Rating 8/10

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