"Practical SVG" by Chris Coyer : Book Review

Chris Coyer, a very respectable name in the web development community, released a book, "Practical SVG" last month. Considering his excellent work on CSS Tricks & Codepen, the decision to buy this book was a no-brainer.

It starts with basics of SVGs and design tools that facilitate exporting SVGs. The book cleverly explains techniques to take advantage of using SVGs. One of the most interesting insights described in the book involves using SVGs instead of icon-fonts.

Sometimes reading Web Development books can be overwhelming considering the complexity of technologies. But, Chris tries to maintain a casual conversational tone and this makes the book more interesting to read and easy to understand.

The only thing I feel could have been discussed more in detail was the chapter on SVG Animations. There is so much more to animating SVGs, that this chapter does no justice on the same.

Nevertheless, I found this book absolutely essential for any front-end developer as SVG has become an essential part of toolset these days. This is one of the best ways a developer can acquire knowledge for using the power of SVGs on their websites.

SPIDER Rating 9/10

(Cover Image courtesy: A Book Apart)