I'm Prashant.FrontEndDev() I create Magic with Pixels!

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  • My Portfolio Website

    A high-performance, Responsive website that uses the power of creative SVG, Greensock (GSAP) & ScrollMagic powered animations for enriching user experience. Case Study

  • Hackerbay Enterprise

    A responsive, feature-rich portfolio website for a technology consulting company. Visit Website

  • WVR

    Freelance Front-end Development for a Portfolio Website of a VR Video Company Visit Website

  • AG Events

    A highly animated HTML5 Website for desktop & a much optimised HTML5 powered Web-App for Mobile devices. All content managed with JSON. Case Study Visit Website

  • eScapegoat

    A festive responsive website that uses vector character illustrations to narrate a compelling story of a tradition involving members to submit anonymous confessions. Case Study View Website

  • Panda Icecreams

    Progressively Enhanced website experiance, both on Desktop and Mobile for an Ice-cream brand. Case Study

  • Bell Finvest India Pvt. Ltd.

    Corporate Website of a RBI (Reserve Bank Of India) Registered NBFC (Non Banking Financial Institution). Case Study Visit Website

  • Audi Driving Experience, India

    Website of a driving event sponsored by Audi, India. Scroll based animations enhance the desktop website and for mobile, an app made with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript makes the experience seamless. Visit Website

  • Know The Sign

    Portfolio website of "The Sign",a design agency based in Mumbai, India. Case Study

  • Orion World

    Website of a Brand Consultant based in Mumbai,India. Visit Website



I’m a front-end web developer with over a decade of experience. I work with agencies across the globe to create high performance & rich interactive websites that work across all platforms & devices.

Although I'm very familiar with using frameworks, my websites are primarily hand-coded using HTML5, CSS3, SVG & JavaScript.

With a strong emphasis on "Progressive Enhancement", I look for creative ways to push the boundaries of website front-end code without compromising on browser support and performance.

In a quest for always keeping myself updated, I read books and attend conferences & meetups.

Curriculum Vitae (PDF)


"Helping Companies to reach their goal by connecting all dots between Design & Code."

With ever-evolving web-standards, It's absolutely essential for any web design professional or an agency to keep themselves updated with latest and the greatest in website front-end code. Whether it is tools, design patterns, or the 'best-practices'; I undertake extensive research and provide professional training to companies and individuals looking for ways to enhance their Website front-end development skills. I help them on their quest to nurture their website UI design skills. I also help print designers to transition to website design.

Some of the technologies I provide my consultation and training expertise are HTML, CSS JavaScript, SVG, Progressive Enhancement, Responsive Web Design and Art-Direction (in terms of SVG, HTML5 or CSS3).

The training session is usually done online or can be managed in a venue arranged by the client.

